Hey 🙂

I’m Amanda, 37 from London. 

In 2022 when my migraines took a turn for the worst and I fell into depression, I really began to think about my life purpose and what I really wanted out of it. I still am not completely sure but I knew I had to begin really looking for it and start living. Back then I had just turned 35, I was single with no romantic prospects of a partner or children. I felt scared and stuck as it has always been what I longed and hoped for.

The feeling has passed now and I must say I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. Now I think, is it what I actually want or was it what had been ingrained in me to want? I’m still figuring it out while I navigate my beautiful life in my 30s. I have time to chase my passions and live life to the fullest. I guess the migraines made me really appreciate what I have. In 2024 I booked to go on a group solo trip to Miami (with a bunch of strangers) which was a huge step out of my comfort zone. I no longer wanted to be held back by other people. If I want something, I must go and get it.

Romantically I still have not met my person, but I no longer fixate on it – if it’s meant for me, it will happen. 

I have still not discovered my what my true passion is, however, I have discovered that I love Bachata and so I’m currently learning. I also enjoy writing, so here I am. You just have to try try try until something feels right. 

I want to be successful and financially free one day and reach my true potential. So it just makes sense to start here and really document my journey and my interests along the way. 

I really hope my experience and life lessons can help anyone struggling or going through a life purpose crisis. Was it Covid that changed me? Was it the migraines? Was it all meant to happen? Is there a reason I’m still free and single? 

I always knew I wanted more for myself but I just didn’t know what or how to get it. A friend of mine calmed me a few months ago and reminded me that I’m employable so I needn’t worry, when I was worried about redundancy. There’s just so much to explore and I’m excited to explore it with no expectation now. Finally, I let the attachment to the outcome go and I’m truly embracing delayed gratification. 

Trust the timing of your life; mindset is everything. 

In case you’re wondering, the migraines have since now settled. I don’t experience the excruciating head pain with them anymore so that’s a huge win! 

I am a migraine ‘with aura’ sufferer, so when a migraine hits me it’s neurological; my eyes are affected for about 30 minutes. They happen about 3 times a year, not too bad. They could change again, who knows? However, I’m happy that they’ve calmed down. I was blessed through work to have access to Private Health Care, so I’ve undergone many tests including MRIs, but all is clear of anything serious.  

Today I am in a great headspace, and I am so thankful to be on the other end of what I was going through. Everything happens for a reason and all that jazz. I’ll tell more about my experience with migraines in a blog post.

Professionally, I work as a CRM Training Specialist using Salesforce which I really enjoy. I have been doing it since 2018. I used to work in the energy industry but thankfully was asked to move into the Project teams and from that my career has changed. One step in the right direction. I am a people person and I value strong communication. The training role enables me to do something I love and value. Good strong communication. It really comes easy to me.

During my depression phase in 2023, I was questioning everything and decided to enrol for some Project Management certifications which I’ve now passed – yay! 

One must keep it moving ;). My next challenge is to get some Salesforce certifications under my belt. 

In my spare time I am either at the gym or on a long walk grabbing a cappuccino and listening to an educational Podcast. Such as Diary of a CEO, She’s on the money and the Mindset Mentor are 3 of my favs. 

My friend would describe me as down to earth and caring, fun with a positive mindset. I have quick wit but a downside would be I care too much about what people think and I can be defensive. Well let’s say used to be.. I am striving for better. 

I have a huge passion for self development and I am always finding ways to better myself and I am teaching others what I know along the way, if I feel it’ll help. Emotional intelligence is key. 

I am a perfectionist, indecisive, impatient, overthinker, you name it. I am it. All the things I do not want to be. They are all apparently a response to trauma. A bit like the defensive side of me I mentioned earlier.

I grew up with an alcoholic father who was verbally abusive and strict. That led to me having an anxious attachment style. Back in the 90s we never really knew much about attachment styles but with the introduction to the internet, we now have access to all sorts of information. I must say Podcasts have massively changed my life.

That’s a bit about me in a nutshell. I’m excited to continue sharing some of my learnings with you.